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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Application of Virtualization Technology in Computer Experiments

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DOI: 10.25236/matecc.2017.21


Huiran Zhao, Lei Shi, Shujian Zhu

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Huiran Zhao


The main reason for applying virtualization technology in computer experimental teaching is to highlight the common participation and mutual cooperation between teachers and students, and combine the basic concept of "student centered". This is not only the need of teaching practice, but also the need of teaching reform. It has practical significance and practical value for the training of students' practical ability and practical ability and the improvement of their operation skills. Through the research, summed up the characteristics and advantages of existing mainstream virtualization products, to find suitable for laboratory use types of software, and ultimately determine the selection of software; design a specific scheme of virtual experimental computer courses and the implementation of the content and experimental teaching in the implementation of quality education goals and evaluation plan; learning by changing and improve the students' practical ability and practice ability, the teaching practice of computer class has more practical significance.


virtualization technology, Virtualization.