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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Constructing New International Relations: Origin, Connotation and Path

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DOI: 10.25236/msied.2018.029


Zhengyang Wu

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Zhengyang Wu


The construction of a new type of international relationship is an important mission of the great-nation diplomacy with Chinese characteristics in the new era. It is also a positive exploration of China's good development of international relations and the blueprint for world order. The new international relations are based on mutual respect, fairness and justice as the norm, cooperation and win-win as the means, and the community of human destiny as the ultimate goal. Building a new type of international relationship requires China to continuously expand its global partnership network, and actively participate in global governance, also substantially enhance its strategic capabilities, as well as continuously promote world peace and stability.


New International Relations, Chinese Diplomacy, Strategic Ability, Cooperation and Win-win