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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

A Review of the Perspective Organizational Support

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DOI: 10.25236/msied.2018.023


Xinyu Zhang, Xiaoxia Yang

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Xinyu Zhang


Perspective Organizational Support is used to express the commitment of the organization that employees feel to themselves. That is to say, the organization can play a role by satisfying workers ' needs for themselves, and can express the organization's willingness to provide material support and other support to employees. According to the law of reciprocity, people who give help to themselves will return to help. This paper will analyze and summarize the background theory, concept definition, antecedent effect variables and the mediating variables that influence the organization, and draw on the empirical results of previous research, and summarize the shortcomings into future theoretical research. It provide references and prospect for development.


Perspective Organizational Support, Antecedent Variable, Outcome Variable