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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Measures to Improve the Economic Benefits of Agriculture and Agricultural Products in China

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DOI: 10.25236/icefbd.18.023


Bin Huang, Qing Wang

Corresponding Author

Bin Huang


China is a big country of agriculture, where agriculture occupies an important position in national economy. As an effective measure to stimulate the healthy development of agricultural economy of our country, it is also the main way to promote economic development, the prosperity of people as well as the income level of farmers by improving agricultural development level, agricultural competitiveness and economic benefits of agricultural products. By taking the current situation of agricultural development in China into consideration, in order to improve the economic benefits of agriculture and agricultural products, it is necessary to increase policy support, adjust agricultural structure, promote the automatic development of agricultural production mechanization and enhance the comprehensive quality of growers. This paper will make a detailed analysis of this problem.


Agriculture, Economic Benefits of Agricultural Products, Improvement Measures