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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

A Fast Distributed Supply Chain Infrastructure Based on Blockchain

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DOI: 10.25236/icmmct.2023.031


Aiqun Gu, Peng Zhao, Shiren Ye

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Shiren Ye


Traditional supply chain management systems often rely on centralized servers and databases, which have disadvantages such as lack of transparency in transaction information, difficulties in information sharing, high maintenance costs for central services, low database security, and poor risk resistance. We propose a supply chain transaction Infrastructure based on blockchain technologies. It features decentralization, distributed data storage, tamper-resistant and traceable data, and low maintenance costs. The architecture is built on a consortium blockchain, and it utilizes a dual-layer data storage structure consisting of a blockchain and a business database. This ensures both the security and convenience of transaction data queries while maintaining transaction speed. To evaluate the feasibility and performance of this architecture, we conducted a series of simulation experiments. The results demonstrate that the proposed supply chain architecture is efficient, transparent, secure, and facilitates information sharing. It also meets the performance requirements for real-world industrial-scale supply chain applications.


Blockchain; Supply Chain; Consortium Blockchain; Hyperledger Fabric; Smart Contract; Chaincode