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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Intelligent Automated Production System for Sour and Spicy Fish

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DOI: 10.25236/icmmct.2023.004


Junhong Lv, Tao Huang, Manning Li, Shunzai Cheng, Shengyue He

Corresponding Author

Tao Huang


As one of the traditional Chinese cuisines, Sour and Spicy Fish is difficult to ensure consistency in taste and quality with manual production due to its complex cooking process and different eating habits. With the continuous expansion of the takeaway market, Sure! Here's the translation: "More and more people are choosing to purchase food through food delivery, especially in recent years as the market for sour and spicy fish has continued to expand. This pre-made dish has received wider attention [1-3]. However, during peak hours, it is difficult for merchants to guarantee the taste and quality of dishes in limited time, while also satisfying the efficiency of delivering food. Therefore, this paper aims to propose an intelligent automated production system for Sour and Spicy Fish, which achieves automation through intelligent control system technology and special ingredient addition system, thus improving production efficiency, significantly reducing labor costs while maintaining the taste and quality, making it a more commercial and beneficial catering solution. Through analyzing system architecture, simulation experiments, social surveys, and experimental data analysis, this paper draws a final conclusion and explains the advantages and the wide application prospects of the system in the market.


Intelligent automated production system for Sour and Spicy Fish, intelligent control system, production efficiency, catering, feeding system, machine vision, centrifugal rotation control, automatic packaging