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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

A Study on the Mutual Mechanism between Language Acquisition and Education from an Interdisciplinary Perspective

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DOI: 10.25236/iemetc.2023.061


Youqi Liu

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Youqi Liu


This paper deeply explores the mutual mechanism between language acquisition and education from interdisciplinary perspectives such as neuroscience, psychology, sociology, and education. Existing research has shown that language acquisition and education are not only individual cognitive processes, but also intertwined with multiple factors such as social environment, educational methods, and technological applications. In the modern technological environment, big data and artificial intelligence provide new possibilities for interdisciplinary research, which can use technologies such as data mining and machine learning to reveal the inherent laws of language acquisition and education. We summarize the research results of various disciplines, identify the key influencing factors of language acquisition and education, analyze them, and further summarize these influencing factors, ultimately optimizing the interaction between language acquisition and education. This article provides a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the interaction mechanism between language acquisition and education from an interdisciplinary perspective, which has important implications for theoretical research and teaching practice. At the same time, we also propose future research directions, hoping to further promote the research and practice of language acquisition and education.


Interdisciplinary perspective, Language acquisition, Education, Mutual mechanism