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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

A Study on the Development and Reform of Vocational Education in China Guided by Employment

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DOI: 10.25236/iemetc.2023.057


Tianbing Li

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Tianbing Li


In the current context of the new era, graduates from major universities are facing increasing employment pressure. In the era of information technology, teachers must change their teaching concepts, effectively improve teaching methods to enhance their teaching abilities, and be guided by employment development to cultivate applied talents with innovative skills for society. As the main education system for cultivating high-quality applied talents, vocational colleges, due to their professional and professional characteristics, not only need to teach professional theoretical knowledge and skills, but also need to be employment oriented and provide detailed planning and goal setting for students' employment development. Against the backdrop of rapid social and economic development, continuous deepening of market economy transformation, and continuous improvement of enterprises' requirements for comprehensive talent quality, vocational education reform is an inevitable development trend. In this situation, it is necessary for vocational colleges to pay attention to the training of students and guide employment guidance to promote the development of their vocational education. Based on this, this article explores and analyzes the reform and innovative strategies of teaching methods in vocational colleges.


Employment orientation, Chinese vocational education, Development and reform