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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Analysis of the Possibility of Being Ultimately Responsible for Our Actions

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DOI: 10.25236/iemetc.2023.048


Hu Wenrui

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Hu Wenrui


In philosophy, free will refers to the ability to make value judgments according to one’s own will and determine one’s own direction of action. Moral responsibility is the moral behavior that people should choose and the moral obligation to nature or society or others in certain social relations and natural relations. It is often assumed that only when people are free do they have moral responsibility for their actions. From the scientific point of view, however, man is not free because his actions are subject to causal explanations, which are deterministic in nature. The relationship between free will and moral responsibility is often debated. Some people believe that an individual’s behavior and character are the results of a series of events, so it is difficult to completely control their own behavior. Others believe that individuals should be responsible for their own actions on the basis of free will. Can individuals control their own actions? Are individuals morally responsible for their actions? The above two questions are the two questions that need to be discussed in this paper.


Individual Actions, Moral Responsibility, Control, Accumulation