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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Research on the Legal System of Rural Financial Poverty Alleviation from the Perspective of Legal Changes

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DOI: 10.25236/iemetc.2023.031


Honglin Tang, Jingwei Xu

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Honglin Tang


Rural finance is an important policy for rural poverty development. Increasing financial support for poor groups has become an important part of China's rural poverty alleviation and development policy. Since the "August 7th" poverty alleviation, the Party and the state have issued a series of policies and regulations on financial support for rural poverty alleviation and development, which have effectively promoted the process of rural anti-poverty. Because the construction of rural community finance system in China is still lagging behind, the universal application of community finance is difficult. Therefore, this paper studies the legal system of rural financial poverty alleviation from the perspective of legal changes. In order to better adapt to the new changes in the financial needs of rural poverty alleviation and development, we must take the improvement of rural financial services as the leading factor, implement product innovation, policy innovation, service innovation and system innovation, improve the rural credit system in poverty-stricken areas, implement the financial support policies for rural poverty alleviation and development in China, improve the financial support system for rural poverty alleviation and development, build a good environment for financial support for rural poverty alleviation and development, and promote better and faster economic and social development in poor rural areas.


Changes in legal system; Rural finance; Legal system for poverty alleviation