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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

The Influence of Technological Innovation on the Duration of Enterprise Export—A Theoretical Model from the Perspective of Heterogeneity

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DOI: 10.25236/iemetc.2023.020


Xiaohong Zhang

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Xiaohong Zhang


This paper undertakes a profound exploration of the differential impacts that autonomous innovation and imitation innovation exert on technological innovation outcomes, commencing from the perspective of input mode heterogeneity. The research also dives into the effects of direct versus indirect exports on technological innovation outcomes, viewed through the lens of output mode heterogeneity. Furthermore, a theoretical model is constructed from the viewpoint of heterogeneity in innovation and export modes, elucidating how technological innovation impacts the duration of a company's export activities. This comprehensive analysis not only unveils the intricate interplay between different innovation modes and their influence on the quality and effectiveness of technological advancements but also underscores the pivotal role of export modalities in shaping the impacts of these innovations on global trade dynamics.


Autonomous Innovation, Technological Innovation Outcomes, Export Duration, Theoretical Modelling