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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

A Study on the Training Path of Digital Media Talents in the AIGC Context

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DOI: 10.25236/iemetc.2023.010


Ying He, Huaijin Sun

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Ying He


This paper discusses the current status of the development of the digital media industry from the perspective of content generation and distribution under the influence of AIGC. It analyzes the characteristics of digital media professionals under the AIGC context, which include all-media nature, high efficiency, and human-machine collaboration. The influence of AIGC puts forward new requirements for the cultivation of digital media talents. Therefore, this paper has conducted research on the training system of digital media talents and found issues such as the mismatch between policy mechanisms and rapid digital development, the need to improve the teaching staff, insufficient investment in key laboratories, and lack of practical ability of students. Attempts have been made to establish a university digital media talent training system by improving policy mechanisms, strengthening teacher training, increasing laboratory investment, and establishing industry-university-research unstructured training.


AIGC; Digital Media; Talent Training Path