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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

A Brief Discussion about University Performanc Management Road from "Evaluation" to "Management"

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DOI: 10.25236/iemetc.2023.001


Zhiyu Zhao

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Zhiyu Zhao


In recent years, University performance management has achieved certain results in performance evaluation, but it has also revealed many drawbacks of pure performance evaluation. From internal management of universities, to the management requirements of education authorities and financial departments, the transition from "evaluation" to "management" of university performance is imminent and imperative. Based on the policy background and development process of budget performance management, this article briefly analyzes the problems existing in previous performance evaluation, and proposes performance management suggestions and countermeasures, with a view to providing valuable reference for performance management in universities.


Performance evaluation, Performance goals, Goal setting, Classification evaluation, Causal analysis, Mutual evaluation of universities