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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

A popular interpretation of Kant's moral philosophy

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DOI: 10.25236/etmhs.2023.017


Kaichen Guo

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Kaichen Guo


Kant's moral thought system is mainly composed of actual or imaginary codes of conduct, and its universality is tested in a common way. Kant's moral philosophy fundamentally safeguards the moral dignity of human beings. Kant believes that morality and happiness cannot be simply equated, and happiness can replace morality. Kant established the position of subjectivity in ethics, so what provisions this subjectivity should have is a realistic question that Kant must answer. This paper discusses the popular interpretation of Kant's moral philosophy from three aspects: the composition of Kant's moral philosophy, the metaphysics of morality and the freedom based on morality. Man is the purpose of moral activities, and man's freedom of will should be embodied in obeying objective moral laws and obeying absolute orders. Kant's subjective moral philosophy still gives us meaningful enlightenment in pedagogy.


Kant; Moral philosophy; Freedom; Moral emotion