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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Research on the Construction of the Geospatial Data Services Platform in the United States

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DOI: 10.25236/etmhs.2023.010


Kuizhu Wang

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Kuizhu Wang


Geospatial data has become an indispensable resource for scientific research, decision-making, and innovation in various fields. The United States has built a geospatial data services platform to provide users with open, standardized, and efficient data services. This paper investigates and studies the development of the platform, analyzes its technical characteristics, data security and quality, user demand and scenario diversity, and talent cultivation and management, and proposes strategies for its improvement. The results show that the U.S. geospatial data services platform has achieved significant progress in data sharing, service innovation, and user satisfaction. However, there are still challenges and opportunities in terms of data security, quality and standardization, user demand and scenario diversification, and talent cultivation and management. The paper suggests that the platform should strengthen its technical development, establish a comprehensive data security system, improve data quality and standardization, meet diverse user demands and scenarios, and cultivate and manage talented personnel to promote the sustainable development of geospatial data services.


Geospatial data, data services, platform, data security, data quality, user demand, talent management