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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Research on the Application of Mental Health Education in Students' Physical Training

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DOI: 10.25236/ieesasm.2022.059


Bin Huang

Corresponding Author

Bin Huang


Physical training can guide students through different physical exercises and sports games, help them find more effective channels to relieve their emotions, and enable them to effectively release all kinds of negative emotions and grow up healthily. Integrating mental health education into students' physical training is beneficial to students' mental health growth and can achieve the teaching goal of comprehensively improving students' quality. Physical education teachers can cultivate students' love for sports through excellent environment and teaching methods, and lay a good foundation for their psychological healthy development. This topic tries to closely combine the characteristics of physical training of physical education students to carry out relevant practical research, in order to make a breakthrough in physical education and seek specific measures and forms for the application of mental health education in physical training of students.


Mental health education; Physical training; Application