Optimal Relay Selection for Physical Layer Security with Cooperative Jamming
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DOI: 10.25236/icidel.2017.001
Lijun Jia, Yucheng He
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Lijun Jia
This paper studies a scheme of optimal relay selection with cooperative jamming and optimal power allocation factor between forwarding relay and jammer. The traditional optimal relay selection scheme selects an optimal relay node to assist forward source information. Based on legitimate user and eavesdropper instantaneous channel state information, the proposed scheme selects two relay nodes to increase security against eavesdropper. The first relays to forward source information as traditional scheme. The second relays to send artificial noise as a friendly jammer. The relay operates in Decode-and-Forward strategy. The closed form expression of secrecy outage probability is derived. In addition, the optimal power allocation factor is given when the total relay transmit power is constrained. The simulation results verify that the proposed scheme can significantly improve system security performance compared with the traditional scheme.
Relay selection, physical layer security, cooperative jamming, secrecy outage probability (SOP).