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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Multi-Source Review on Domestic Stray-Animal Problems

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DOI: 10.25236/assah.2020.074


Limo Feiyang

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Limo Feiyang


This review paper examines the multi-facet societal problem—stray-animals in China. According to the data released by WHO, China is the 2nd largest habituation of stray animals. It is estimated that there are over 50 million of them in China, causing over 500 deaths each year for some of the deadliest zoonoses such as rabies and toxoplasmosis. Apart from the intuitive danger of serious zoonoses, the paper also examines more vicious influences for having such a large population of stray animals, including severe ecosystem damage, potential law conflicts, global warming, economic burden etc. For preparation, the paper tries to distill and abstract some groundwork and investigations associated with this problem within the last several decades. In this paper, 6 main elements concerning stray-animal problems are refined, each with several attributes, to further clarify and develop the study on this often overlooked yet serious issue. References are crucial for the building of this paper as well as the fruits developed in it, we extract experiment data and key dimensions for perfecting the current situation within in this very country China which can shed on light on further study or even tiniest social impact.


Stray-animal, animal management, animal shelter