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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Research on the Body Mutation and Consciousness Evolution of Intelligent Robots in Science Fiction Movies

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DOI: 10.25236/isaiee.2020.001


Yongping Fu

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Yongping Fu


With the increasing variety of intelligent robots, they are applied more and more widely. They can be presented in the form of behemoths or in tiny forms that intervene in the human body. The science fiction movies not only try to perfectly show the changes in the functions and roles of intelligent robots in the process of human society, but also interpret the future development direction of intelligent robots in more bold and unique ways. This article explains the body mutation and consciousness evolution of intelligent robots in science fiction movies, so as to help humans to fully estimate the various situations that may occur in the process of scientific and technological development, and make long-term decisions in line with the progress of human society.


Science fiction movie, Intelligent robot, Body mutation, Autonomy of consciousness