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Discussion on Asset Management Mode of University Education Foundation Based on Sustainable Development

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DOI: 10.25236/ieesasm.2020.015


Feng Xie, Xiaohan Jiang

Corresponding Author

Xiaohan Jiang


With the reform of the education system, foundations have become more and more important in colleges and universities. They even determine the height a college can reach. However, in terms of the maturity of the foundation's organizational model, the professionalism of its staff, the operational capability of fund-raising activities and the fund's asset management, China's university education foundation is still in a relatively backward position and has a large gap. The article focuses on the development needs of China's university foundations, and needs to raise the awareness of investment responsibility, establish a reasonable investment operation mechanism, expand investment channels and improve investment benefits, so as to promote the long-term sustainable development of university education foundations.


Sustainable development, University education foundation, Asset management, Investment