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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Research on Strategies for Improving Students' Dance Performance in College Dance Teaching

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DOI: 10.25236/acetl.2020.233


Zhou Lu

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Zhou Lu


College dance teaching plays an important role in the development of all aspects of society. For example, it can cultivate students' artistic sentiment, conform to the development of spiritual civilization, and cultivate talents with both morality and talent for the society. At the same time, the expressive power of dance is the soul of a dance, showing its connotation in dance moves. Therefore, only by improving the expressiveness of dance can we effectively improve the teaching effectiveness of college dance. The impact of dance expressiveness is reflected in the dancer's ability to understand art, dance design and dance environment. Dance teaching in colleges and universities can further improve dance in dance teaching in terms of teaching environment, teachers, and students based on these factors. Expressiveness.


College Dance Teaching, Dance Expressiveness, Teaching Strategy