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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Discussion on Teaching Strategies of College English Translation under the Background of "Internet +"

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DOI: 10.25236/acetl.2020.227


Jiao Xu

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Jiao Xu


In the new era, college English occupies an important position in student learning. Students must not only master basic language skills, but also have sufficient translation skills and abilities. However, as far as the current situation of college English translation teaching is concerned, there are problems such as insufficient emphasis on school, disconnected content from society, lack of practical paths, etc. Therefore, combined with the characteristics of "Internet +" background, schools should optimize the college English curriculum system Combining teaching and multimedia technology, guiding students to learn autonomously, and effectively developing and utilizing network resources, etc., hope to effectively solve the problems in college English translation and promote students' college English translation.


"Internet +", College English Translation, Teaching Strategies