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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

An Interactive Study on Ideological and Political Education and Campus Culture Construction in Colleges and Universities

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DOI: 10.25236/acetl.2020.177


Xiaofei Wu

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Xiaofei Wu


It is well known that ideological and political education in colleges and universities have a very close relationship with campus culture. In the process of management and construction of colleges and universities in our country, the ultimate goal is to realize the promotion of students' humanistic quality, ideological and moral character and science and culture. In order to achieve this goal better, we need to build a harmonious, democratic and healthy campus culture for students. This paper first analyzes the interactive status of ideological and political education and campus culture construction in colleges and universities, and then discusses the interactive measures between ideological and political education and campus culture construction in colleges and universities, hoping to provide favorable reference for relevant scholars.


Ideological and Political Education, Campus Culture Construction, Interaction