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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Research on the Sharing Mode of Digital Educational Resources in Colleges and Universities in Cloud Computing Environment

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DOI: 10.25236/acetl.2020.133


Haiyun Xiang, Haiyun Xiang, Xiao Fu

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Haiyun Xiang


The inevitable trend in the development of colleges and universities is that the model of digital development of colleges and universities involves a lot of quantity, so we can use cloud computing, which cannot only facilitate the processing of all kinds of big data, but also enable colleges and universities to enjoy digital educational resources through research. It can also let colleges and universities improve the digital model at an early date, after all, the development of major colleges and universities in China is uneven, so the degree of digital development, there are high and low, and the degree of using cloud computing is also different. This paper briefly discusses the mode of digital education resource sharing in the cloud computing environment.


Cloud Computing Environment, University Digitization, Educational Resources, Sharing Mode