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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Study on the Optimization of Football Classroom Teaching and Extracurricular Training Mode for College Students

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DOI: 10.25236/acetl.2020.132


Yan Xiang

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Yan Xiang


Colleges and universities respond to the call of the state to carry out physical education in teaching, which has a very great role in promoting the improvement of students' physical literacy. But at present, colleges and universities fail to achieve good teaching results in the actual teaching, which makes it difficult for physical education teaching and training mode to play a role, and has no too much effect on the cultivation of students' comprehensive quality and physical literacy. In order to solve this teaching problem, this paper will divide the current situation of football teaching in Colleges and universities, and also put forward some solutions, hoping to improve the quality of students The school optimizes the football classroom teaching and the extracurricular training pattern, promotes the physical education quality to have the certain help.


University, Football, Classroom Teaching, Extracurricular Training, Research