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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Research on Promoting the College Students' All-round Development with Five Educational Proposals

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DOI: 10.25236/ssehr.2019.050


Minghui Li, Bing Yang

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Minghui Li


Education must adhere to the people-centered development concept and cultivate socialist builders and successors of "moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetic, and labor". This paper analyzes the profound connotation of five educational, points out the specific educational path: moral education, cultivates noble moral quality, masters correct thinking methods, and establishes correct political concepts. In intellectual education, scientific and cultural knowledge of learning systems are mastering mature practical skills. In physical education, improving physical quality, shaping a healthy personality, and cultivating lifelong sports concepts. In aesthetic education, training aesthetics and appreciation are providing humanistic qualities. In labor education, it is cultivating hard work ability and stimulating talents motivation and a sense of well-being in learning and living.


Five educational proposals; college students' all-round development; moral education; intellectual education; physical education; aesthetic education; labor education