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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

An Analysis of the Humanistic Art of Folk Dance

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DOI: 10.25236/ADMC.2019.067


Xu Chen

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Xu Chen


China is a multi-ethnic country with 56 nationalities. Each nation has a unique and splendid history and culture. As the main carrier of cultural expression, dance presents a diverse form in different national cultures. At the same time, the life production activities exhibited by folk dances contain the historical development of the nation, not only become an important cultural component of their respective nationalities, but also the basic medium for the public to understand the aesthetic concept and cultural value of a nation. Under the background of humanistic art embodied in folk dances, with the interweaving and impact of modern multiculturalism, how to protect and inherit the artistic wealth of these folks has become a very valuable research topic.


Folk dance; Human art; Characteristics; Inheritance