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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Research on Cultivation of Innovative and Entrepreneurial Ability of College Students in Big Data Environment

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DOI: 10.25236/eduer.2019.012


Yurong Hou

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Yurong Hou


Innovation and entrepreneurship are sources of national progress. China has always been in great need of innovative and entrepreneurial talents, so colleges and universities are paying more and more attention to cultivating students' innovative and entrepreneurial ability. The innovative and entrepreneurial ability of college students includes independent thinking, independent judgment, innovative ability, practical ability, and entrepreneurial potential. Therefore, colleges and universities should develop all-round cultivation strategies from multiple aspects. The progress of science and technology and social development has promoted the arrival of the era of big data, which is of great significance to the cultivation of college students' innovative and entrepreneurial ability. However, at present, many college students lack time for such training and thus lack innovative thinking and entrepreneurial consciousness. Therefore, colleges and universities should cultivate students' innovative and entrepreneurial ability with the help of big data. This paper will briefly analyze and discuss the cultivation of college students' innovative and entrepreneurial ability in the big data environment.


Big data, College students, Innovation and entrepreneurship, Ability cultivation