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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Research on the whole life cycle of the PPP Project Consulting Business Process Reengineering of Cost Engineering Consultation Company

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DOI: 10.25236/busem.2017.56


Xinyan Sun

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Xinyan Sun


Public—Private—Partnership (PPP) model is widely used in the field of infrastructure and public utilities in China, which provides a "blue ocean" for the business development and enterprise development of engineering cost consulting enterprises. Compared with traditional DBB (Design-Bid-Build) mode,there are differences in accuracy in the content of advisory services and consulting services of PPP projects. Through the analysis of PPP project consulting needs, drawing on business process reengineering technology, the article builds a new process of project cost consulting enterprise to carry out PPP project life cycle consulting business.


PPP project, Demand recognition, Full life cycle, Business process reengineering.