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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Analysis of opioid drug transmission combined with BVAR model

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DOI: 10.25236/iclsmh.2019.032


Bing Tu, Lihui Li

Corresponding Author

Bing Tu


This article is about the issue of opium control management in the United States. Our aim is to analyze a series of models such as differential equations through NFLIS and the socio-economic data provided by the US Census, and to optimize them. When solving this problem, we use Python comprehensively, MATLAB, Eviews, stata, Excel software to determine the propagation characteristics of opioids in a given area and predict the possible location, and combined with the given socio-economic data improvement model to give corresponding strategies to effectively control opioids The amount of use is reduced.


NFLIS, opium control, socio-economic, Matlab